What is Bio-Compression Therapy?
Compression Therapy is the use of compression devices that are designed for recovery and/or rehabilitation. One or two inflatable boots with multiple cells or sleeves are placed around your legs or arms and they are rhythmically inflated as well as deflated in order to rapidly improve poor circulation. Compression therapy is easy, convenient, safe and painless. The therapy assists your body’s cardiac system in moving the fluids from the limbs back to the circulatory system, which in turn removes the unwanted material.
What are the benefits of Bio-Compression Therapy?
1. Reduces inflammation
2. Fluid collection
3.Helps to remove toxins such as lactic acid
4. Improves blood circulation
5. Relieves conditions such as heaviness in the legs
6. Helps to avoid development of cellulite
7. Prevents and eliminates first-stage varicose
8. Strengthens loose skin caused by pregnancy or obesity.
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